Wie verändert sich der Journalismus? Welche Möglichkeiten bieten technische Konvergenzen? Was sind die Auswirkungen auf Arbeitsformen und Arbeitsbedingungen? Was bringt die Zukunft?

Montag, 8. Juni 2009

Howard Rheingold

von Lea Mühlebach und Kathrin Heckmann

(* 1947 in Arizona, USA) Sozialwissenschaftler und Autor. Unterrichtet journalistische Kurse an der University of California sowie an der Stanford University; beschäftigt sich mit den soziokulturellen Auswirkungen neuer Technologien und den daraus entstehenden neuen Kommunikationsformen und Gesellschaftsveränderungen; hat bereits 1993 ein Buch mit dem Titel ´The Virtual Community` veröffentlicht; beschäftigt sich privat, wie auch beruflich mit neuen Trends.


1. Multimedia09@hrheingold: Why do you use Twitter so intensive? Is it just fun or do you have an ulterior motive for your work?

- Twitter is a two-way gateway to my personal learning networks, first of all.
I feed, tune, and harvest knowledge here.
- I wouldn't use the term "ulterior motive." To me, learning, teaching,
socializing online, having fun are all connected.
- I am doing an interview via Twitter with @Multimedia09 --
hence the nature of my tweets for the next hour.
- I use Twitter a lot because its brevity fits into the interstices of my other tasks.
It's a fun break from focused attention
- I wrote about why I am hooked on Twitter a while back: http://tinyurl.com/2me5cg
- I also wrote about tuning/feeding networks: http://bit.ly/HWI6e

2. Multimedia09@hrheingold: Why do you publish videos like ‚Howard’s Dream Office’ or ‘Howard’s Garden’? Why is this of interest for your ‘users’?

- Video has changed from an expert-only medium to a vernacular: http://blip.tv/file/1342237
- As a communicator, learner, and visual thinker,
video affords communication that augments & transcends just using words
- It's easier to talk about network theory when I can include animations,
for example: http://blip.tv/file/1823777
- In regard to my office/garden videos, I feel that many connect with me as
a whole person, not just a writer or professor
- Context is important. Yes, I'm online a lot. Yes, I use words.
I also garden, paint, sculpt - video makes my context visible
- The videos we are talking about: http://blip.tv/file/1937429 http://blip.tv/file/1697598

3. Multimedia09@hrheingold: You are very involved in your topic (new forms of communication etc.) Do you think this should be a standard in science or is it possibly better to observe from the outside?

- I decided at 23 that what I do 4 a living has 2 be identical w/
what I want to spend my time doing. Traded security 4 freedom
- Since I got online in 1982, the performative writing,
knowledge sharing, community building continue to fascinate me
- In social sciences and study of consciousness, convergence of
empirical and introspective indicators can be helpful
- I'm a believer in scientific method -- testing by observable,
replicable experiments & observations.
- But not everything can be measured or weighed.
Phenomenological evidence has its place, but cautiously because not repeatable

4. Multimedia09@hrheingold: What are your most important demands you claim from today’s students of journalism?

- Today's journalism students need to learn the skills &
metaskills of applying digital media to their craft, but also they need
- 2 be entrepreneurs. It is going 2 be up to them to some
degree reinvent the institutions that support journalism & journalists

5. Multimedia09@hrheingold: What do you think is the biggest difference between european (austrian) and american journalism students?

- I am not familiar with European journalism students.
- I do know that visiting Europe has helped me develop
a more critical sensibility regarding technology and media practices
- US, California, Silicon Valley not a hotbed of critical thinking
about technology, with exceptions of course.
- I urge journalists to develop skills as network organizers,
because citizen reporting needs journalistic filtering

6. Multimedia09@hrheingold: OK, so which part will grassroot-journalism play in the development process of journalism in the next years?

- Checking claims, finding multiple voices 4 dif fperspectives,
putting together into story, necessary 4 reporting to become news
- So I see coalitions of amateur sources and trained or self-trained
journalists as networks of collaboration 4 news

7. Multimedia09@hrheingold: Final question: How do you become a guru? ;-)

- Some agent describes you that way and countless journalists repeat it. ;-)
I prefer "learner-teacher."

8. Multimedia09@hrheingold: Final-final question: Are you sitting in your garden now?

- It's too cold to sit in the garden today, unfortunately.

Multimedia09@hrheingold: Thank you VERY much for your time and your helpfull answers. Have a nice day!

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